The postpartum period begins after the delivery of the baby and ends when the mother's body has nearly returned to its pre-pregnant state. This period usually lasts six to eight weeks. The postpartum period involves the mother progressing through many changes, both emotionally and physically, while learning how to deal with all the changes and adjustments required with becoming a new mother. The postpartum period also involves the parents learning how to care for their newborn and learning how to function as a changed family unit.A mother needs to take good care of herself to rebuild her strength. You will need plenty of rest, good nutrition, and help during the first few weeks.
Every new parent soon learns that babies have different time clocks than adults. A typical newborn awakens about every three hours and needs to be fed, changed, and comforted. Especially if this is their first baby, parents–in particular the mother, can become overwhelmed by exhaustion. Although a solid eight hours of sleep for you may not happen again for several months, the following suggestions may be helpful in finding ways to get more rest now.
In the first few weeks, a mother needs to be relieved of all responsibilities other than feeding the baby and taking care of herself. Sleep when the baby sleeps. This may be only a few minutes of rest several times a day, but these minutes can add up. Save steps and time. Have your baby's bed near you for feedings at night. Many new parents enjoy visits from friends and family, but new mothers should not feel obligated to entertain. Feel free to excuse yourself for a nap or to feed your baby.
Get outside for a few minutes each day. You can begin walking and doing postpartum exercises, as advised by your health care provider. After the first two to three weeks, introduce a bottle to breastfed babies for an occasional nighttime feeding. This way, someone else can feed the baby, and you can have a longer period of uninterrupted sleep.
A mother's body has undergone many changes during pregnancy, as well as with the birth of her baby. She needs to heal and recover from pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to rest, all mothers need to maintain a healthy diet to promote healing and recovery. The weight gained in pregnancy helps build stores for your recovery and for breastfeeding. After delivery, all mothers need to eat well so that they can be healthy and active and able to care for their baby.
Whether they breastfeed or formula feed, all mothers need to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Most lactation experts recommend that breastfeeding mothers should eat when they are hungry. But many mothers may be so tired or busy that food gets forgotten.
Any fruit or 100 percent fruit juice counts as part of the fruit group. Fruits may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed. Foods that are made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or another cereal grain are grain products. Examples include whole wheat, brown rice, and oatmeal. Vary your vegetables. Choose a variety of vegetables, including dark green, red, and orange vegetables, legumes (peas and beans), and starchy vegetables.Milk products and many foods made from milk are considered part of this food group. Focus on fat-free or low-fat products, as well as those that are high in calcium. Choose low-fat or lean meats and poultry. Vary your protein routine--choose more fish, nuts, seeds, peas, and beans.
Oils are not a food group, yet some, such as nut oils, contain essential nutrients and can be included in the diet. Others, such as animal fats, are solid and should be avoided.
Along with balanced meals, breastfeeding mothers should increase fluids. Many mothers find they become very thirsty while the baby is nursing. Water, milk, and fruit juices are excellent choices. It is helpful to keep a pitcher of water and even some healthy snacks beside your bed or breastfeeding chair.
Postpartum Massage & Bath
Ayurvedic texts suggest that the first forty-two days after giving birth should be focused on rest, rejuvenation and bonding with your newborn, after the incredible changes your body, mind and spirit have just gone through. The health of the baby is directly affected by the health and well being of its mother. A combination of self-care practices meant to support, ground, and nourish the mother, are all an essential part of this process. The intention is to ease the mother’s load by reducing internal and external stresses so that she and her developing baby can experience more harmonious cyclical changes and also have a gentler recovery and healing time postpartum.
The main Dosha at play during pregnancy and postpartum is ‘Vata’ or a combination of the elements of Air and Ether (space). Some attributes associated with the Vata Dosha are light, dry, rough, mobile, and cold. These qualities tend to be excessive during this stage of a women’s life, particularly postpartum. When a mother is recovering from childbirth, her body and mind undergo a delicate exchange of opposing elements. Right away, she experiences an imbalance with an immediate loss of bodily fluids released during birth and is left with a space in her abdomen where the baby had been for the last nine months. A mother’s hormonal mechanisms that affect infant feeding and her sleep patterns also go through a series of changes so that she can supply nourishment for her growing baby. The postpartum massage from My Womb Maternity Care , provide them with the different tools needed to soothe, ground, and nourish their bodies so that they are appropriately replenished.
Oil massages for mama and baby will balance out the vata dosha, ground the new mama, and allow her to be fully present in her new role. Oil is nourishing and dense (opposite to the qualities of air, which we associate with postpartum anxiety). This will not only help strengthen your body but add heat and flexibility to your tissues and muscles, too.
Belly Binding
After a massage and a hot shower, wrap your abdomen with a belly band or a long piece of cloth to offer support to the uterus and help tone the muscles in your stomach. This practice of belly binding isn't just comforting physically, but emotionally, too. The feeling of containment around your now-emptier belly will help give you a sense of stability.
Emotional Support
There is no amount of preparation that can take care of the anxiety and uncertainty that accompanies the transition into motherhood. The postpartum period is one of those things in life that we do not quite appreciate until it finally arrives.So it’s a good idea to have a plan to support your postpartum self through the right foods, body rituals, and love from family and friends, to have the strength and emotional wellbeing to usher your baby into the world.
Communication is important in preventing hurt feelings or misunderstandings when emotions are fragile these first few weeks. It is generally best for the new mother to be relieved of all responsibilities except the feeding and care of herself and her baby. This is especially important if she is breastfeeding. Others should assume the chores in the home such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. This will help the new mother take care of herself, and keep her from limiting her time with her baby.
Post Delivery Care Provider
So, how to find the right Postpartum or Post Delivery care provider? My Womb Maternity Care provides specially designed Postpartum care all across urban areas of Kerala. Designed & conceptualized by experts in the field of Gynecology & Ayurveda, My Womb Maternity Care’s traditional Ayurveda Post Delivery package helps the mother to recover fast after pregnancy. Our postpartum care package is designed to Recoup, Rejuvenate & Refresh after childbirth. Located in Edapally, Ernakulam, Cochin – our services are available all across the urban parts of Ernakulam District and Kerala.